I dream one day at Assembly... to give the most fantastic talk about how the WT is wrong.
Can't wait for this talk. Go boxie, go!!!!!
that's right guys.
as i told you before, they boe have been considering me for the eldership.
which i don't care for, but since my family is stuck in this cult, i guess i can use the new position to help them see that the holy spirit has nothing to do with me being an elder.
I dream one day at Assembly... to give the most fantastic talk about how the WT is wrong.
Can't wait for this talk. Go boxie, go!!!!!
i just joined this forum today after reading the comments on today's watchtower (which i have to attend in about an hour unfortunately).
i was raised in "the truth" and it was only recently that i began to listen to a close friend of mine as he pointed out the secrets and lies that is the watchtower society and governing body.
even though he was informing me for almost a year, he never gave up on me.
Fasten your seat belts.
It's gonna be a hell of a ride
i just wat to inform you that i have from absolutely trustworthy sources that rolf furuli (one of the absolutely best known and most recpected elders in norway, and altso a scolar known as a hard core 607-apologist among opposers) did have a local needs speech last week (or maybe the week before) where he went directly against the watchtower anti college education pollicy and warmly recomended all the young ones in the congregation to go on and get them self educated.. i wonder for how long ha can keep his position??
if he gets the boot wee'll se a theocratic earthquake here in norway..
I'll try to get more accurate info, but as far as my present understanding goes the speech was dedicated to the subject of higher education.
Yes. This is Brazil.
I belive pictures are circulating among dubs these days.
i have not really been keeping up anymore.
are they still df'ing people?
any progress on the blood issue?
Yes. They're still DF'ing, but the word "DF" is noe longer used. I belive they just say NN or noe longer a JW, but nobody can talk to them of course.
No blood issue progress as far as I know.
Still 3 meetings, but the "public" spech is now down from 45 to 30 minutes and everybody i happy for that.
Awake! is now a once month thing and the WT mag is a two different issues thing. One issue aimed at fiels circus use and the other containing alle the study articles strictly for internal use and indoctritation.
i just wat to inform you that i have from absolutely trustworthy sources that rolf furuli (one of the absolutely best known and most recpected elders in norway, and altso a scolar known as a hard core 607-apologist among opposers) did have a local needs speech last week (or maybe the week before) where he went directly against the watchtower anti college education pollicy and warmly recomended all the young ones in the congregation to go on and get them self educated.. i wonder for how long ha can keep his position??
if he gets the boot wee'll se a theocratic earthquake here in norway..
I just wat to inform you that I have from absolutely trustworthy sources that Rolf Furuli (one of the absolutely best known and most recpected elders in Norway, and altso a scolar known as a hard core 607-apologist among opposers) did have a local needs speech last week (or maybe the week before) where he went directly against the Watchtower anti college education pollicy and warmly recomended all the young ones in the congregation to go on and get them self educated.
I wonder for how long ha can keep his position?? If he gets the boot wee'll se a theocratic earthquake here in Norway.
lots of 'worldly humans look back with affection and positive emotion at their past life and loves and adventures!
this is especially true for periods in life humans have often devoted themselves to!.
it is lovely to see and hear ones with natural experiences and happiness to relate!.
I miss the convention hot dogs. And this kind of JW nostalgia I belive do have in common with the still active ones.
I have never seen this before
some years back i was out in service with an elder and we came upon a househoulder that was interested in a conversation...well he lead it and about 10 minutes later his (the householders) 10 year 0ld son came out onto the pourch and was stung by a wasp the conversation ended and we walked away...the elder then turned to me and said: "satan works in many ways"...i just thought "or maybe it was a wasp".....
Something similar happend to me while in FS with an elder.
Good conversation then the housholders telephone rang in it ended. Brother Elder goes: "Satan has a giant swichboard..."
there is a part from kerala india in in the april issue of awake.
some history, daily life, culture bla bla blaand the dubs got 132 congos and everything is good.
however they do not mention with a single word the perhaps very most interesting cultural aspect of kerala.
There is a part from Kerala India in in the April issue of Awake. Some history, daily life, culture bla bla blaand the dubs got 132 congos and everything is good.
However they do not mention with a single word the perhaps very most interesting cultural aspect of Kerala. Tha fact is that a significant part (20 %) of the people of Kerala is Chritians and the have been so for a very long time. The legend claims that the Christian congregation was founded as early av the first century by Doubting Thomas the apostle. More trustworthy sources tell that the St. Thomas Christian community was agumented in the fouth century by refugees from east Syria - now Iraq.
Anyway the Chritian heritage of Kerala is very special in a land of Hindus and reincarnation, but the Awake! magazine tells us nothing about it.
Isn't is amazing???